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Fax: (604) 279-0031
By Appointment Only
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Carboxytherapy ori

About the treatment

  • A non-surgical method to reduce fat and to improve the appearance of cellulite.
  • Carbon dioxide (CO2) is infiltrated into the subcutaneous tissue through a tiny needle. From the injection point, the CO2 diffuses easily into adjacent tissues.
  • CO2 kills fat cells, and will also cause a dilation of blood vessels, meaning bigger and stronger blood flow to the area. The increase of oxygen level due to more blood flow will help to eliminate the built up fluids that can create fat cells.  Additional benefit is firmer skin texture.
  • Can combine with Mesotherapy for improving stretch marks on various body parts.


  • Does not require anesthetic
  • No down time
  • Quick and safe: each treatment session is only 15 minutes.
  • Some patients can experience a light tingling sensation near the injection site, which should disappear in a matter of seconds.
  • As a result of the increased circulation, the area surrounding the injection site may feel warmer for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Will start to see results in just a few sessions, but will require up to 10 to 15 sessions for satisfactory results depending on individual conditions.
  • Avoid emerging in water for 4 hours after the treatment such as baths, swimming or saunas.

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