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Home  /  Treatments  /  Emsella

Emsella is a new therapy to help improve urinary incontinence.

  • Strengthening of the pelvic floor muscle group (hypertrophy and hyperplasia)
  • Re-establishing neural control of the pelvic floor muscles, re-educating patients on how to selectively fire these muscles so they can maintain muscle tone.
  • Calming effect on overactive bladder and urge incontinence.
  • FDA & Health Canada cleared for the treatment of stress, urge, and mixed incontinence.


Emsella targets and strengthens the pelvic floor muscle group, much like kegel exercises, but far stronger. This is different from traditional vaginal lasers.

Vaginal lasers add collagen around the urethra to help the pelvic floor grip it more efficiently. Emsella strengthens the entire pelvic floor muscle group – a much more direct treatment for incontinence.


Who needs Emsella?

  • Your are experiencing some leaks and dribbles
  • Breaking wind more frequently
  • You are not as sensitive as you once were
  • Tampons or cups aren’t staying in place
  • It doesn’t FEEL right


How does Emsella work?

  • The device is a chair containing a very powerful magnet (2.5 Tesla, same strength as MRI machine). The energy is focalized to the depth & location of the pelvic floor muscle group using High Intensity Focused Electro Magnetic Energy (HIFEM)
  • Emsella depolarizes motor neurons to create 11,800 Kegel-like contractions per 28 minute treatment. These contractions create hyperplasia and hypertrophy in the muscles, but just as importantly it re-establishes the neural connections for firing the pelvic floor muscle group, re-educating patients on how to selectively contract the pelvic floor muscles. Meanwhile, the magnetic energy also appears to provide therapy to other neurons that may be causing urgency incontinence or overactive bladder.


Your provider will tailor a treatment plan for you.  A typical treatment takes about 30 minutes and you will need about 6 sessions, scheduled twice a week.*

You will experience tingling and pelvic floor muscles’ contractions during the procedure.  You may resume daily activities immediately after the treatment.

You may observe improvement after a single session. The results will typically continue to improve over the next few weeks.


Emsella 修复椅是一台最新的女性生理健康仪器,主要改善小便失禁。


小便失禁骤耳听好像一个很严重的生理问题,但其实每3至4个女性当中就有一个要经常面对这个状况。让我问问你有没有试过 :

  • 听了很好笑的事情大笑或打喷嚏时不小心尿了一点
  • 做运动或跑跳很快时差点尿出来
  • 明明不急但5分钟后特然间很需要去还差点忍不住

如果你也有这些状况,证明您也是被小便失禁困扰,因为复康医生和护士会告诉你: 有健康正常盆肌功能的人 ,是不会有上述情况。


盆底肌(Pelvic Floor Muscle)其实是身体中非常重要的核心肌肉群组中的一部份,随着生育丶年纪渐长及更年期开始,女性面临盆肌功能失调的机会极为普遍。然而和其他疾病不同的是: 许多女性都选择忍受与接受盆肌失调而引致小便失禁的不便,原因是除了勤做Kegel (所有女性都应该知道的阴部健肌法) 或手术(针对较严重的个案)之外,就并没有其他治疗可以解决这个问题。



  • 非植入式,无痛无创,无风险及副作用 (如某些植入式治疗有机会引致膀胱或阴道发炎)
  • 无需事前妇科检查
  • 不是针对阴道肌肉而是更重要的盆底肌肉 (植入式治疗只针对阴道肌肉,而盆底肌才是引致失禁的真正元凶)
  • 不需宽衣解带,连衣带裤就只坐着在修复椅上,看看杂志轻松舒服地28分钟就完成一次治疗 – 相等于做了11,000次的阴部健肌法!
  • 治疗对阴道干涩丶甚至因虚弱无力主肌群引致的下背痛都能改善



医生或美容顾问会首先了解 阁下的个人情况, 及详细解释Emsella爱惜您修服椅疗程须注意的事项。


美容顾问会为 阁下调教最好的治疗坐姿。进行治疗时最好穿着松身舒服的棉质长裤,下半身不能穿着有任何金属附件的衣物(例如有拉链的牛仔裤或有金属扣的皮带)


当治疗仪器启动后切勿将任何电子仪器(包括手机,平板电脑, Apple Watch 等)放置或处于治疗椅子的范围中,如要使用手机或平板电脑, 须将于放在本诊所指定的小台子上。


Contact us for more information or book an appointment