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Pico4 Laser

Home  /  Treatments  /  Pico4 Laser

Pico4 can disperse a rainbow and give you your skin and your confidence back.

Using high energies, Pico4 shatters the pigments and sweeps them away using the flexibility of FOUR wave actions plus Pico & Nano technologies.  Resurfacing the skin to improve texture laxity and tone.  And Pico4 does not discriminate about color.  The color of your blemish or the color of your skin.

Pico4 is a revolutionary skin treatment solution offering a new approach for a comprehensive skin toning and rejuvenation, based on photoacoustic energy.  The toning solution is the most versatile of it’s kind with the PicoFractional Treatment, offering skin rejuvenation with enhanced neocollogenesis and zero-downtime.

PicoFractional uses the conversion of light into sound waves to create tiny holes deep within the dermis which is known as Laser Induced Optical Breakdown (LIOB).

The photoacoustic beam creates pressure waves, that initate an enhanced inflammatory healing response resulting in increased production of collagen and elastin.  All of that without thermal injury.

Pico4 & PicoFractional are recommended for treatment of:

  • unwanted pigmentation and lesions
  • sun damage
  • skin irregularities
  • skin pigmentation associated with photoaging
  • general skin toning and rejuvenation
  • vascular lesions
  • facial lines and wrinkles (rhytides)
  • Tattoo removal

Pico4 Laser 皮秒激光



皮秒激光是一种革命性的皮肤治疗,使用基于光声能量的科技,進行全面皮肤调理和年轻化的新方法。 而其中的点陣/分段模式能在無創傷恢復期的情况下高效增强新胶原蛋白生成,促使肌肤年轻化。


  • 色素沉着和疤痕
  • 日晒损伤
  • 肤色/質不均匀
  • 因紫外光引起的黑色素
  • 更新肤质
  • 微?血管
  • 皺紋

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