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GentleYAG Laser Facial Rejuvenation Scan

Home  /  Treatments  /  GentleYAG Laser Facial Rejuvenation Scan

The GentleYAG laser facial Scan makes use of 1064nm Nd YAG laser for deep penetration into the dermal layer for reduction of facial wrinkles and create a subtle lifting effect.  Safe for all skin types, the laser will simultaneously refine skin texture, improve pore size and small scars as well.  There is no down time after the treatment and this makes GentleYAG laser scan a quick and convenient yet effective treatment.  Treating the whole face takes less than 20 minutes and only 10 minutes for the periorbital area.  Most patients require a few sessions to see optimal results, with an interval of 4 weeks apart between each session.

Pre/Post treatment

  • Minimal preparation requires; however patient can apply topical anesthetic before treatment to reduce sensitivity.  For some patient, oral medication can be provided upon request
  • Patient can resume normal daily activities right after the treatment with suitable sun protection – a sunscreen with SPF 30 to 45 is appropriate.
  • Slight redness and swelling of the treated area may occur after the treatment but will subside shortly.

GentleYAG Laser Rejuvenation Scan 激光皮肤除皱护理



Pre/Post Treatment 程前 / 后

  • 无须在治疗前作特别准备,然而接受治疗者亦可于疗程前预先涂搽麻醉药膏将不适感减至最低。
  • 无恢复期,疗程后可立即进行任何日常活动,只须每日涂搽防晒霜保护皮肤即可
  • 疗程后,治疗部位可能会稍微红肿,但会迅速褪去

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