Blu U treatment is a “No down time” treatment for mild to moderate acne offered at Richmond Laser Skin Care and Wellness Centre. It makes use of the blue light (417nm wavelength) to eliminate acne-causing bacteria on skin. The treatment can be done twice a week for 4 consecutive weeks or once a week for 8 consecutive weeks, duration for each session is 16 minutes long.
Pre/Post treatment
- Treatment is quick and easy, patient can come in anytime and resume normal activities right after the treatment
- Sunscreen should be applied after treatment
Blu-U Treatment 蓝光治疗
Blu U 治疗是针对轻度至中度痤疮的“无创伤及无恢复期”治疗,它利用蓝光(417nm 波长)消除皮肤上引起痤疮的细菌。疗程可以连续 4 周,每周进行两次,或连续 8 周,每周一次,每节为 16 分钟。
Pre/Post Treatment 疗程前 / 后
- 治疗快速简便,患者治疗后即可恢复正常活动
- 治疗后应涂抹防晒霜