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BroadBand Light BBL by Sciton

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BBL BroadBand Light is an innovative technology that set new standards for skin conditions associated with aging, active life-styles, and sun damage.  BBL energy can precisely treat:

  • Pigmented Lesions (eg freckles, age spots)
  • Vascular Lesions (eg small blood vessels)
  • Acne
  • Skin Firmness
  • Uneven Skin Texture

Any areas of your body can be treated.  The most common areas are those most exposed to the damaging effects of sunlight.  The most popular treatments are on the face, neck, back of hands, chest and shoulders.

The number of treatments needed will vary from patient to patient.  BBL can be combined with other popular aesthetic procedures to further personalize your treatment.

The procedure is gentle, noninvasive, safe, and virtually no downtime.  You may experience some redness that should resolve within a few hours.  For some pigmented lesions, you will see a darkening of the treated area followed by fading and flaking off at a later stage.  Your treated skin will feel smoother, fine lines and pores will be less noticeable, and sun spots or uneven pigmentation will fade.

BBL BroadBand Light by Sciton

BBL BroadBand Light 是一项新技术,它为对抗皮肤衰老的状况设定了新标准。 BBL能量可以精准治疗:

  • 色素性病变(如雀斑、老人斑)
  • 血管病变(例如红根)
  • 痤疮
  • 皮肤紧致度
  • 改善粗糙皮肤


所需的治疗次数因患者皮肤状况而异。BBL 可以与其他的医美疗程同时进行,进一步个人化您的治疗。


Pre/Post Treatment 程前 / 后


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