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Dermafrac Crystal free Microdermabrasion + Micro-channeling Serum Infusion

Home  /  Treatments  /  Dermafrac Crystal free Microdermabrasion + Micro-channeling Serum Infusion

DermaFrac™ is a dermal micro-channeling system that offers simultaneous delivery of infused ingredients in a pain-free, no downtime treatment. Designed expressly to drive topical solutions (Hydrate, Brighten, Vitamin C, etc) to penetrate deeper into the tissue, DermaFrac™ creates micro-channels to the papillary dermis while simultaneously infusing topicals to this all important tissue layer.

Each session may take between 30 minutes to one hour, depending on the areas being treated. Your skin may be slightly reddened for 20 minutes to one hour after the treatment but it is perfectly safe to apply your make-up and return to normal activities immediately after the treatment. There is no recovery or “down time” associated with DermaFrac™.

Dermafrac 无粉水晶换肤 + 微针再生精华导入

新一代的水晶磨皮, 取代传统的水晶粉末:利用抽吸原理去除角质后,再用微针法导入不同种类的精华,令皮肤在短时间内无痛无痕地变得亮丽光泽。持续进行六次疗程或以上可大大改善幼纹、粗大毛孔、疤印、暗疮油脂粒和肤色不均匀。


  • Rejuvenate 包含不同的氨基酸刺激骨胶原给皮肤纤维再生
  • Lighten 曲菌酸 KOJIC ACID 可有效減淡色素
  • Clarity 奶酸 LACTIC ACID 和水杨酸 SALICYLIC ACID 均可帮助暗藏皮肤改善油分分泌


Pre/Post Treatment 程前 / 后

每次治疗需要 30 分钟到 1 小时,视乎治疗的部位而定。您的皮肤在治疗后的 20 分钟至 1 小时内可能会轻微发红,但可以在治疗后立即化妆并恢复正常活动,无恢复期。

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