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Sciton Micro / Nano Laser Peel

Home  /  Treatments  /  Sciton Micro / Nano Laser Peel

Sciton Micro/Nano Laser Peel is a superficial resurfacing procedure that removes a very thin layer of skin to improve fine lines, pigmentation, tone and texture – restoring a more youthful appearance. Gently revitalizing the entire skin surface, you can return to normal activities quickly.

Popular treatment areas are the face and neck, though many people also treat the chest and hands. Excellent results can be obtained in just one treatment, however the number of treatments may vary from patient to patient.  Micro/Nano Laser Peel can be combined with other aesthetic procedures to further personalize your treatment.

Immediately following the treatment, you may experience redness and a sensation resembling sunburn.  Swelling may also occur in the treated areas.  Complete healing will depend largely on the depth of treatment.  Healing times for shallow treatments are typically 2-4 days.

Sciton Micro / Nano Peel 纳米激光换肤


一般的治疗部位是面部和颈部,其次也可治疗胸部和手部。只需一次治疗即可获得出色的效果,但个别情况下重覆治疗可能会有更佳疗效。 疗程可以与其他美容程序相结合,以进一步个人化您的治疗。

Pre/Post Treatment 程前 / 后

  • 治疗后,可能会立即出现发红和类似晒伤的感觉
  • 治疗部位也可能出现肿胀。恢复期将在很大程度上取决于治疗的深度
  • 浅层治疗的恢复期通常为 2-4 天。

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